Preparing to Offer Your Course
- View Day/Time/Room Assignment
- Please contact your department's staff undergraduate adviser with any scheduling concerns.
- View the Catalog Description
- View the course description in the general catalog to ensure your assignments follow course requirements
- Submit your book adoption(s) or course reader to ensure students have access to the required material
Please use this link to submit your textbook adoptions. Be sure to have the following information for each text ready:
1. Book Title
2. Author
3. ISBN-13
4. Edition (if relevant)
5. Translator or editor (if relevant)
6. Publisher
Be sure to indicate on the form if you will need a desk copy of a book that you have not used before (or have not used in at least 2 full years) or if desk copies will be needed for teaching assistants or readers.
If you wish to submit your own adoptions, visit
If no book adoptions are needed (because readings will be provided in CANVAS or via course reader), please use the form to confirm, selecting no adoption needed.
Course reader
If you will compile a course reader and want your students to have a physical copy, please make sure to order your reader via Repro Graphics on campus so that the equitable access program will cover the cost. Additional details about placing such an order are below.
For a reader, fill out the quick copy form (Work Request Form). On the form there is a section titled "resale". When that is filled out it indicates to us the job needs to be sold at the bookstore. The delivery location should be your department address if you need copies to come back to the department. Contact reprographics if you need further assistance: 530-752-2679 or
Regarding Equitable Access and Physical Copies
UC Davis and the Academic Senate are continuing the Equitable Access program.
This means the Bookstore will not stock physical copies of books if they are available digitally. Students opting out of Equitable Access can special order physical copies through the Bookstore or their desired retailer at retail or resale price.
They have provided an FAQ for faculty members which is available here.
- Course Reserves at Shields Library
- For information about putting a book on reserve at the library, please visit:
- Advertise for your Course
- Expanded Descriptions: If you wish to have an expanded course description posted on your department website, please email it to This is most beneficial when you are teaching a topics course where the details vary from year to year or instructor to instructor.
If no expanded description is submitted, students will be referred to the course catalog for the standard description: If the catalog needs updated, please contact the undergraduate staff adviser for your department. Please note that any catalog updates should apply to all future offerings, so if updates are specific to one instructor or topic, updates may not be advised.
Flyers: If you would like a flyer advertising your course to be circulated by email and on instagram, please send course details and a preferred image to to make the request. - Set up your CANVAS site
- Set up your CANVAS site at To get help with CANVAS, visit the Canvas Help website.
- View your Photo Roster
- You can view enrolled students and check prerequisites using the Photo Roster tool.
- More instructional resources
- For additional instructional resources, please check out the Office of the Registrar's Faculty Guide and the Office of Undergraduate Education's Center for Educational Effectiveness.
Independent Study & Variable Unit Course Requests
- Undergraduate Variable Unit Course Form
- Instructions: For faculty use; use your UC Davis login id and Kerberos passphrase to login and complete the form. After completion of the form with the student submit. This will prompt an email to the chair for electronic signature and final approval. Once this has been done, an email will be generated to faculty, student, and staff advisor. Staff advisor will send CRN to student for registration.
Form (Smartsheet) - Graduate (Variable Unit) Course Request Form
- Instructions:Use your UC Davis login ID and Kerberos passphrase to login and complete the form. You will receive an email confirmation after your form submission, and another confirmation when it is approved. If you are unable to login or need to be added to our system please contact Maria Ruby.
Form (Smartsheet)
NOTE: While this form is required for these courses, it does not enroll you in the courses. You must look up the Course Registration Number (CRN) (provided by the department staff) and enroll in SISWEB once your instructor agrees to the course.